By ameliaw, November 13, 2016

EDM’s have become a steadfast way that business communicates on-mass with their clients, yet making it seem that the email was individually tailored. Upon my arrival at ARRB, I saw that they were using many forms to try and achieve this, making the task all that much harder.

I suggested using MailChimp, where we would have better control and analytics as to what is being successful in our mail outs. Not all of the EDM’s were brought over, but a few areas did adopt it, giving those departments better control over their own communications, yet helping me as a branding and marketing coordinator to still oversee that the company VSG was being adhered too.

A weekly EDM that is sent out by the Library department detailing news that had happened that week in the transport industry, was the first to adopt this new approach. They now work on the mail out independently. A monthly staff email was also setup, InSight, which is now generated by our administrative support officer.

Now that we have HubSpot inserted, all these EMD’s will be migrating over and we’ll truly get the insight and tailoring we want for our clients so that with smart content, the mailers received by clients will speak directly to their activity on our site and previous engagements.