ARRB Recruitment Video

By ameliaw, May 20, 2017

I was asked to produce a new recruitment video that would convey the current employee satisfaction and diversity of roles that is available to the Researchers and Scientists at the Australian Road Research Board. The aim was to entice the brightest and best in their fields to come and help ‘Shape our transport future.’ The new company slogan was something that I had helped come up with the company CEO.

The below video was produced within 2 weeks from beginning to end. I worked in collaboration with my PR & Communications colleague, who had come up with a few questions to ask the interviewees. She liaised as the interviewer and helped set them through their paces.

I had never produced a video before, but knew that lighting and sound were very NB! I quickly did a google search on some tuts and resources and got to work!

I setup the back drop, lighting, sound, etc. and filmed using 2 iPhones. One for footage, the other for sound. All the footage was then put into Adobe Premium and Adobe Audition (to improve sound quality) and edited into a 2:45min video.

Given the tight timeframe, new area and skills learned, I feel the video was a great success. Enjoy!