ARRB Recruitment Video

May 20, 2017

I was asked to produce a new recruitment video that would convey the current employee satisfaction and diversity of roles that is available to the Researchers and Scientists at the Australian Road Research Board. The aim was to entice the brightest and best in their fields to come and help ‘Shape our transport future.’ The […]


November 13, 2016

EDM’s have become a steadfast way that business communicates on-mass with their clients, yet making it seem that the email was individually tailored. Upon my arrival at ARRB, I saw that they were using many forms to try and achieve this, making the task all that much harder. I suggested usingĀ MailChimp, where we would have […]

Luton Properties

December 10, 2012

Working for a Real Estate Agency again, was fun and fast-paced, which I loved. Even though my time at Luton was short due to having to move, I was able to help them implement new designs with their listings layouts, create teaser ads and copy for the opening of the 8th branch and in general […]

Coopers Nursery

February 12, 2012

I was approached by my GP to assist his wife in setting up a website for the nursery she had started in Dubai. I was happy to help with this project as I got to mix my love of children and design. The site displayed bright pink and blue, which was their branding colours. I […]

Dubai Kidz

March 13, 2008

To help launch my freelancing in Dubai, I approached the founder of the website (now, Petra Sander and offered to redo her, then very basic HTML, site into a CMS with a template offering a better UX for the thousands of users that were coming to her site, in exchange for referrals to […]