ARRB Capabilities Brochure

November 29, 2017

ARRB has a lot of brochures and covers a vast amount of research areas within the transport industry. A summary of these capabilities needed to be put into a brochure that would showcase at our exhibition stand for the 2nd International Driverless Vehicle Summit, which was held in Adelaide, 2017. The brief This is a […]

Luton Properties

December 10, 2012

Working for a Real Estate Agency again, was fun and fast-paced, which I loved. Even though my time at Luton was short due to having to move, I was able to help them implement new designs with their listings layouts, create teaser ads and copy for the opening of the 8th branch and in general […]

Accenture Brochure – Best Practice

May 30, 2006

Working in conjunction with the Marketing Department, this brochure was produced and put into the Accenture Brand Audit. It received Best Practice ranking, which is highly esteemed within Accenture. My idea of using the African animals to help depict the services available was well received. View PDF

Accenture Calendar

December 1, 2005

The Marketing Department wanted a calendar produced as a handout for clients and at their Graduate Recruitment drive. I produced this on-brand Tiger Woods (at the time the brand ambassador for Accenture), which had to not only be approved by Accenture Branding at Headquarters in America but by the Tiger Woods Foundation as well. It […]

Magazine Creative Director

January 28, 2004

Being the Creative Director for 3 in-flight magazines (all 3 national carriers) it was my duty to setup the timeline for all activities, from advertising, editorial, design and printing to ensure the magazines made their monthly deliveries to the airport. It was also my responsibility to lay the magazine out and ensure all articles were […]

Personal Logo

June 18, 1996

Part of a college exercise, we had to develop our own personal logo. My surname was Combrinck at the time, so AC was my initials. The design is clean, bold and interchangeable with bright coloured backgrounds. Still relevant today as it was back then. A good branding exercise.